I have to confess that although I am now a believer through and through in the effectiveness of Flylady, right now I am struggling along with it. This month is gardening month (more on that later:) and also the gallery is opening next saturday, and the half marathon is the following saturday. Add to that some unusually hot weather and you can see why things have been intense lately. I am determined not to give up, though.
Tonight Brandon went to bed early and I did not want to shine the sink before bed. It was full of dishes. Finally I stopped worrying about it and set the kitchen timer for five minute. Four minutes later the sink was empty and the dishwasher was running.
I am more and more convinced that I usually spend more time worrying about doing something than it would take to actually do it. I like using the timer for these situations. I say, "Ok, I will just pick up clutter for five minutes" (or ten or fifteen). It reminds me that these things are actually pretty darn easy to do, once you start.
I enjoyed shining my sink after the dishes were in the washer, and I reflected on how shining the sink really is something I do for myself. It is all becoming something I do for myself. I enjoy tidying and cleaning. The little tasks can be relaxing, so I try to do housework slow and easy. I have begun to think of taking care of the home in a similar way to how I think of taking care of my body.
Speaking of body care, I realized the other day that I was getting about half a cup of honey a day just in my tea or coffee. That is just too much. I am trying to find a way to moderate my added-sugar intake. I know my honey habit is probably not as bad as what lots of Americans consume, but that is not the point for me. I want to feel good, and I have noticed that I get really addicted to that caffeine and sugar fix. I have used the excuse of being a new mom for awhile, but I dont want to let that become a rut for me. My goal is to cut down to two tablespoons of honey a day. I will let you know how that goes.
OK, so the kitchen is clean and I feel peaceful sitting here and blogging with Jack Frost curled up on my "piggy-toes." Baby steps! I will just stick with my baby steps.
1 comment:
You really hit it when you talked about building up a chore in your head to be something hateful and endless, and then it ending up being easy. I never seem to learn! The timer trick is a good one- will have to remember to use it.
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