Well the art opening at Main Street Arts was terrific. It was a beautiful day and four artists, including myself, set up outside to do onsite work and demonstrations. We put out a painting station for kids, and in the gallery new art was hung and refreshments were served. Quite a crowd was downtown becuase of the city wide yard sale, and overal it was a fun event.
Here is a photo of the gourd I worked on at the opening, and I finished it and planted herbs in it for my friend Frances. I really like the look of a gourd as a planter, and would like to make more. I like the very spare ornamentation because it lets the beauty of the gourd speak for itself. I am also excited to try a new technique of staining my gourds with homemade dyes and finishing them with a natural tree oil that should make them completely waterproof and safe for use holding food and drinks. I'll keep you posted:)
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