Sunday, February 21, 2010

Follow up on "Mamma Burnout"

I didnt mean to make it sound in that last post as if getting to know myself and getting a daily routine simply made mamma burnout dissapear. The limitations that motherhood imposed on me just put me in a better position to slow down and have to be present with myself, and that was the point I wanted to make. But in terms of how I transitioned from feeling somewhat isolated to really having more of a life than I ever have had before -- that has been a journey. I have had alot of help. An Al-anon slogan says that we are "powerless but not helpless." I like to think of being "not helpless" in terms of all the places where I can and do seek help.
One way I ask for help is in prayer. A good prayer for any "poor me" feelings has been to pray for God to enlarge my heart. I know I am a selfish person by nature, and while it is easy to love your children, it can be hard to give to them 24/7 in the way they need it, even when you are taking care of yourself too. I often ask God to enlarge my heart -- to send me more love for my children and husband, and to help me just enjoy being around them and treasure these days. My children are going to be small for only a very little while and I know I will look back on this time with longing some day. I want to be able to treasure it now. When I have asked God for this, I believe he has done it. I am thankful for the blissful moments He has given me when we are all together being in the moment. Sometimes God just reminds me to stop cleaning or working and just sit down with the little ones and snuggle or play with them.
Also on a prayer note, I have asked God for strength for the day on many tough days. I often feel physically tired and sometimes I feel overwhelmed with what needs to be done in the day. When I ask God for strength just for that day, He gives it to me.
I have alot of people who help me too. Going to Granny's house is a treat for my children and for me! Having family nearby is a huge asset in terms of day to day sanity. Our family who are out of state have also been a major help to us in other ways (not the least the incredible generosity of my inlaws in recently buying us a minivan). The church provides a Bible study with free childcare, and my YMCA has free childcare while I work out. My husband is a champion at helping me with everything, and giving me time on my own for attending al-anon meetings and doing saturday training runs with my YMCA running group.
So I rely on God, family, and friends. Isn't help a wonderful thing? I believe that to anyone who seeks help, it will be given.


babs said...

Dear Stephanie,
Love reading your blog.

lionmamma said...

And I love people who read my blog, Mom!

Beatrice and Jack Frost

Beatrice and Jack Frost
Is there something on my head?